
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I Do: Bath Toy Holder

We love bubble baths in this house.  Aside from the regular bathing, there are special times that I surprise Charissa and Brandt with a bubble bath.  It keeps them occupied for at least 15-20 minute which is often enough time for me to get a good jump on dinner.  By the time Daddy gets home, he has two clean kiddos and a wife who hasn't had her pants pulled down by a fussy, clingy baby while trying to make supper.  (If you have had children, you know what I'm talking about).  To keep the water bill from skyrocketing, it doesn't happen that often, but it's nice every once in a while.

Now a bubble bath isn't quite complete without a collection of bath toys and these bath toys can become scattered throughout the house or get moldy when left in the bath.  So one day, as I took the last orange from its 8lb mesh bag, I had a light bulb moment of brilliance.

So I thought I'd share it with you :-)

Note: It has now been drawn to my attention by my brilliant mother that it was she that did this when I was a child.  I don't remember that since at the ancient age of 26 and having two children I have lost most of my brain (hehe).  Okay, it's all my Mom's idea in my deep sub conscience...but I DID take an exceptional photograph of an orange bag handing from a shower head, no???


Erika said...

I love ideas like this! Perfect!
We do ALOT of baths, especially since Daddy doesn't get home until late and it's hard for me to not lose my cool, and baths can occupy a huge chunk of time.

Beth Ann Zeller said...

Hmmm, this idea was in your subconscious, because I used to use orange bags for bath toys all of the time while you were growing up! Mom

Hannah said...

Aren't baths the bomb? I'm glad you like the idea. We mommies need to combine our brain power!

Mom, seriously???? And here I'm so proud of myself. Well, okay everyone, I need to give my Mom some credit here. Thanks, Mom :-)